Paul Weller has contributed the theme song, "No Need To Be Alone" for the upcoming film titled, "Outside Bet." The film, set in the mid 80's also features two songs from The Style Council. "Outside Bet" is based on the book, "The Mumper" written by Mark Baxter and Paolo Hewitt. You can view the trailer here and read an exclusive interview with Mark Baxter over at Wholepoint Publications.
Paul Weller has contributed the theme song, "No Need To Be Alone" for the upcoming film titled, "Outside Bet." The film, set in the mid 80's also features two songs from The Style Council. "Outside Bet" is based on the book, "The Mumper" written by Mark Baxter and Paolo Hewitt. You can view the trailer here and read an exclusive interview with Mark Baxter over at Wholepoint Publications.
This seems really odd as I thought Weller had seriously fallen out with Paolo Hewitt. As recently as a month ago I was reading an interview where he was talking about Hewitt's book 'The Changing Man' as betrayal. Seems strange that Weller is now contributing songs to a film Hewitt has written.